e lived a life enable us to be grateful, have we lived a life that blessing others in our life?
Everytime we celebrate our birthday, we wish for more years to come and we forgot all the struggles, the pain, the dreams of yesterdays. We wish for better tomorrows, we wish for wonderful days to come. I mean, how bout our yesteryears? how bout all those days that we've lived through? Have we lived to the fullest that when we look back at it on our next birthdays we could happily and gratefully bow down and sending our praises to the Live Giver for we have lived the life to the fullest. That we have live a life that so abundant in everything? That we have become a better person through each and every single day we've through?
That we have been a blessing to others and that we have experienced and lived the blessings of being alive?
Contrary to that, everytime we are looking into graveyard or visiting funeral, we are wishing that we wont have that fate soon. Death is something so scary that everybody wish to avoid it if they can. Death is something nobody excitingly waiting for. No! if we can choose death is something to avoid in all cost. We forget that death is a companion side to side with life. Its there to remind us that we wont live forever. It stands right beside life to warn us that we can leave our life anytime without any warning. It warns us to live to the fullest, to the most abundant of life. To enjoy the blessing of waking up in the morning, to enjoy the sun that shine so brilliant, the stars that twinkle in the darkest night. To enjoy the time with our loved one as well as to enjoy the time in our solitude being grateful for whatever life allow us to have. Because anytime we might just gone to the other side.
Anyway, this is just monologue during my birthday and the time when i celebrated the new year as well as when i visited the funeral of a relatives. Thats just it! we should live each and every day in a way that make it counted as we realize that our days are numbered :)
Live and let Live!
Medan, March 30'13